The history of an institution can be boring. The history of people never is. The story of Tree of Life Christian Schools is we believe, to be found among the latter histories. “Life” is at the heart of both the school’s name and its reason for being. And that gift comes early. Christ said, Let the little children come to me…for the Kingdom of Heaven belongs to such as these. When God first created a place for his children’s happiness and comfort, he said not a word about buildings, tax records, real estate costs, or legal issues. Nor about schools. Such things only take one meaning in the context of living, and especially as they play out in lives.
The thousands of Tree of Life students, their families, staff, and friends have reflected the God of Life. He has poured faith, hope, and love into this school, this time, this people. And so, we believe its story – their story – is worth telling.
-Lezlee Knowles (former Superintendent)
The first forty years of Tree of Life’s history is preserved is the wonderful book An Eternal Planting: The 40-Year Story of Tree of Life Christian Schools, by Jeffery and Lezlee Knowles. Copies of this book may be obtained by contacting our advancement office at

I am confident that I wouldn’t be where I am today without God working in me through Tree of Life. The experience and knowledge gained during my time at Tree was invaluable. The teachers and staff genuinely cared about being there and making an impact on young lives.

Truthfully, I cannot be more appreciative of Tree of Life. Thank you for all the good memories, relationships, and time you have spent investing in my life.

Christian schools are God’s idea. Tree of Life is His. We exist for His glory and He has invited us to be a part of raising the next generation to follow Him.